Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Kings Park Bushwalk

On Sunday there was a shortish bushwalk in Kings Park. We had quite a good turnout of 21 people when we met at the big boab tree. The route took us along the path at the river edge, over the iron bridge and finally onto quiet tracks into the centre of the park. We had lunch near the Synergy Playground in front of the Zamia Cafe.  JL tried to catch up with us for lunch there, but was unable to find a park because there was a Vietnam War remembrance event going on and they had grabbed all the spaces.

At the DNA tower, Ellie and Lutz had a race to the top and down again. Ellie lost!

We had afternoon tea back at the start, then JL took me to a quiet spot to look for some wild freesias to pick.  These are regarded as weeds by the Nats as they are an introduced species, so we pulled up a few bulbs as well, to plant at Como.  We also found a beautiful donkey orchid.

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