Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Cape to Cape Track

A lovely sunny day greeted us for our plan to do a section of the Cape to Cape Track. Before setting off I tried to take a photo that did justice to our huge picture windows at Tarabuco.

We drove to Gracetown where C, E and I set off to walk 7 km to Ellensbrook House. We passed some popular surf breaks, where lots of black heads were bobbing about in the water, whilst a lucky few were actually able to catch a wave. We stopped at the memorial to the Gracetown disaster, where 9 people were  killed in a cliff collapse whilst watching a school surfing competition.

We were pretty hot and tired when we reached Ellensbrook, mainly because the track was so sandy and quite overgrown in parts.  JL had driven there and was waiting for us with a picnic lunch.

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