Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Chengdu pm

"The beds in the East are soft".
(Anthony and Cleopatra, Act 2, Scene 6)

At the Sunshine Hotel, the beds and the duvets are the softest I've ever encountered. They even managed a bit of sunshine for our afternoon sightseeing expedition. First (following a delicious lunch) was the Wuhou Temple, where many legendary heroes and emperors have larger than life statues. Our guide, David, told us all the local legends but it's impossible to recall them today! 

Next on the agenda was a walk on Ancient Street, with lots of interesting  little shops. I bought two little bowls and M bought a proper artists or calligraphers brush. There were more tempting establishments but our schedule was tight, and we were due at a Tea House next. Here, the oldies were more interested in playing Mahjong and wanted us to join in, but only M knew the rules, and furthermore we needed to get back to the hotel for a shower and a beer. We rounded off the day with dinner at the hotel's Korean Restaurant. The food was nothing special (I think because David had chosen cheaper dishes, rather than the traditional sizzling Korean BBQ, in order to keep us under budget on this all-inclusive tour). Also, I had to get the female supervisor to tell off 2 men who were smoking in complete disregard to the notices on the wall. I was rewarded by a thumbs up from another western couple who were dining nearby!

We went to a show of many different acts, including Chinese opera, traditional instruments, acrobats, comedy acts (in Chinese) and the grand finale - the changing masks show. It was all very skilfully done : a wonderful performance all round!

Early to bed, as we had to be up at 3.30 a.m. To catch the 6.35 flight to Dali.

Lunch spot, inside and out.

Approaching the temple.

Inside the temple.

Bonsai display in the park.

Playing mahjong at the tea house.

This lady has just won!

Changing Masks Show.

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