Sunday, January 28, 2018


The new Perth Stadium opened today with a one day international cricket match, Australia versus England. JL and C were in the crowd, having secured tickets as soon as they came on sale. I dropped them off in the car, then E and I explored the grounds and parklands outside.

This is the view of the stadium at night from our balcony. The lights go round and round and can be changed to reflect the colours of the teams playing. (Green and gold for Australia).

There are lots of playgrounds and picnic areas at the back of the stadium near the river:

It was quite a hot day. JL had had enough by 3.00 pm, when the sun came round and baked that part of the stand. He called me and asked for an immediate evacuation. C remained for another hour or so then walked home, where she could watch the end of the match in air conditioned comfort on TV.  England won!  We then observed the logistics of getting the crowds home by train or bus. All was visible from our balcony. I have never seen so many buses queued up in readiness to move 55,000!

The stadium from the river bank.

Looking downstream from the Windam Bridge. The concrete piers for the new footbridge can be seen near the two boats. This footbridge is still under construction, months behind schedule.

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