Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Sunny today: blue skies, but still chilly!


St Michael's Church

Statue near the Riding School

Statue of Tio Pepe, the founder of Gonzalez Byass Bodega.

Obligatory group photo


  1. I was going to leave a comment on the Horse post but Blogger won't let me. I went to the horse place and loved it. Fantastic show. We spent an hour in the stables beforehand watching the horses being washed and prepared. It was lovely the relationship between the horses and stable staff. We went on a Saturday and were told it was a bit charity event and we were lucky to get tickets at the last minute. It certainly was packed with locals rather than tourists.

    I also went to the Jerez and it was here we ended up in the amazing Flamenco bar with the local male dancers. And Tio Pepe to finish the day off.
