Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bridges Bushwalk

Bushwalkers group photo on the new footbridge

Sunday's walk was supposed to be in King's Park, where the spring flowers are just starting to come out. But it was also the day of the City to Surf Funrun, so many access roads were closed to traffic. Our walk was hastily rearranged to going round the bridges.

We started at McCallum Park, along the river past Burswood (which I do virtually every day, so I found myself as the local guide!), then to the Stadium, over the new footbridge, around Claisebrook Cove in East Perth, along the river and across to Heirisson Island and back to the start. I hadn't been on Heirisson for several years and was surprised how rural it seemed, so close to the city. There are said to be kangaroos on the island, but we didn't spot any!


It's easy to forget, on a nice warm sunny day, that it's actually the middle of winter here.  I found this photo of snow on Bluff Knoll (WA's highest peak, which I've climbed twice).  The photo was taken early in August when an unexpected and rare snowfall attracted a lot of attention.  Some hopefuls even carried skis to the top! There are no ski slopes here!

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