Friday, April 3, 2020

Let them drink wine

C brought us some essential supplies last night. The Police Commissioner has clamped down on alcohol sales, so I can’t get these delivered any more and there are limits on sales at bottle shops. I’m not going shopping. It’s two weeks since I visited a supermarket.

JL’s grandson got married today. It was to have been a splendid affair, months in the planning, at Wise Winery near Dunsborough. The new law on social gatherings states only 5 people could be present, i.e. the celebrant, bride and groom, plus two others. 10 are allowed at funerals.

One of the passengers from the Artania cruise ship has died in Joondalup Hospital. It turns out that most of the crew are Filipinos and Indonesians. No wonder they don’t want to go back home. The Norwegian captain is apparently a TV star in Germany in a long running series about cruising.

Essential supplies!

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