Friday, July 3, 2020

Latest on man and dog

First, the dog.
His name is Rocky and he is 4 years old. He stopped racing in May and was given for adoption almost immediately. He had such a placid nature that he required very little training for a domestic environment. Yesterday he had surgery to de-sex him by removing his “crown jewels” and is resting today after the ordeal:

This is his dog bed in the living room. He is a big dog!

I took him out into the garden for a few photos. He is wearing the muzzle to stop him licking his wound. He also has to wear it on walks for the first month of being adopted and wears a purple collar to signify this. After that he gets a green one.

He is all skin and bone like JL, with no fat on him, so he wears a coat to keep him warm.

The Tacoma (or Orange Tree Creeper) in the garden is at its best just now. I have never seen it so prolific:

Now, the man.
JL was moved from Royal Perth Hospital yesterday to Bentley Hospital. This is a suburban hospital (with free parking!) and has a specialist wing for rehabilitation. His leg is still painful if they don’t keep up the medication, and the nurses need reminding. I helped him walk up the corridor with a walking frame this afternoon, but he was nervous about falling again. I’ll have another go tomorrow as it’s important for him to keep moving.


  1. Welcome home! I admire the adoption of retired racing greyhounds. And best wishes to JL.
