Monday, June 21, 2021


After my Kimberley adventure in May, it was time for serious stuff in June:
Flu jab (tick)
Second Astra Zeneca (tick)
Two dental implants (tick).

Today was the third:

It was a long procedure, more than an hour, and the thought of what was being done was a bit scary. The dentist, his nurse and myself were all done up in full protective gear as for an operation. To take my mind off it, there were videos showing on the ceiling TV of Koh Samui, Iceland and African wildlife. I haven’t been to any of those places and would have liked a Camino film if I had the choice.

So I’ve now got to wait 4 months for the crowns to be put on. The bone will grow around the screw in the meantime. Too much information?

Actually the worst part was the eye-watering bill at the end of it!  I think I need to lie down.

1 comment:

  1. I saw the same dentist today, on another continent. Yes, that bill.
