Monday, August 16, 2021

Kalbarri zero day

Today I needed a rest after my full-on search for wildflowers, but there is always something more to do! A daily feeding of pelicans takes place just across the road at 8.45 am. so of course I had to go and watch the action:

The seagulls were also waiting for a feed!

Apparently this was started by a local fisherman cleaning his catch and has been going on for 40 years. Now local volunteers maintain the tradition. I have always wondered why we never see pelican chicks. It seems they breed on offshore islands to be safe from predators. Pelicans are huge birds but they have lots of air pockets inside their bodies and hollow bones, which all enables them to fly long distances. Who knew?

After breakfast, it was time for a little excursion. I drove on the coastal road south to Red Bluff with spectacular views:

This was the site of historic shipwrecks:

I spotted a few wildflowers; the next pic is smoke bush with Red Bluff in the background:

In the afternoon, after a long siesta (it was 27 degrees today!) I drove along the river road and found a few more:

I was driven away from this area by mosquitoes and retreated back to my unit in Kalbarri Seafront Villas to enjoy a Peroni as the sun went down. This is the view at night:

It’s a beautiful spot.


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