Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Xmas Lunch 2

We had a family lunch at the Shorehouse. It was a 35 degree day, so nice to be by the beach. The place was jam packed and parking at a premium; the others disapprove of my secret weapon (JL’s disability sticker) but even this was no help today. We had a long wait for drinks, because everybody was ordering exotic cocktails and the bar staff were under pressure.

Me with the menu.

The menu was a bit pretentious, full of foreign words that had to be googled (ceviche, nduja, vacherin). We started off with oysters:


I ordered fish of the day (goldband snapper), E had a big piece of octopus, C had roasted cauliflower. She also had some non-alcoholic champagne which was rather underwhelming:

C with her champagne:
only the glass was authentic.

E with her octopus.

My fish of the day.


Roasted cauliflower.

E's dessert with a beautiful edible flower.

E with her non-alcoholic cocktail.

Before we left home, I took this photo of Rocky in his favourite spot: the car boot:

He stayed home with a few treats!

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