Friday, August 1, 2014

Burgos to Hornillos, 30 April (21 kms)

My room at Meson del Cid

At 7.30 a.m. I had a good breakfast in the Meson del Cid dining room.  My table by the window enabled me to see the Cathedral across the square, especially the intricate stonework of the spires.  I also observed early pilgrims setting off for the day on the road higher up to my left.  The dining room seemed to be full of French people, obviously from a coach tour.

I was on my way by 8.45 a.m. with 21 kms to go: rather ambitious for Day One, but I was booked in at Hornillos, a stopping point with not a vast amount of accommodation.  It was a perfect day for beginning my 2014 Camino: cloudy and sunny in equal amounts.  Spring was here:  buttercups and daisies lined the way out of Burgos through the park.  Later I saw gorse in flower and many Lenten Roses.  Birds were singing, especially cuckoos.  I passed the State Prison on my right.

Milestone on way out of Burgos:  532 kms to go!

I stopped at Tardajos at 11.30 a.m.for a cafe con leche and a chocolate croissant.  On this trip, I can afford to indulge when doing so much exercise!  Now the day was getting hotter.  Rabe looked a nice spot to stay, but I had to press on.  I had quite a long rest and a siesta at the Fuente de Praotorre, where the pump of the fountain was actually producing water, but I just washed my hands and face.

The last 5 kms into Hornillos were hard going.  I concluded that 15 kms was an ideal day for me, but it's not always possible to find accommodation at that point.  I went slowly down the so-called mule-killer slope (bearing in mind that falls often happen when people are tired).  On arrival in the small town, I went straight to the Alimentacion shop, where I knew they would be willing to call the Casa Rural, Consulta de Isar, for me whilst I sat on the bench outside, consuming a cold can of beer!

The Casa was more basic than expected, 2 kms away.  It had very small rooms (5 of them, only) and not well sound-proofed.  There were 6 French people there (3 couples) and one French Canadian lady, who thankfully could chat with me and translate what the others were saying at dinner.  She even lent me her iPad to fire off a quick email home.  Dinner was Russian Salad, potato and tuna soup, veal with a beautiful fresh salad and for dessert, a flan with fruit puree.  I slept soundly after such a strenuous day and paid 58 E. for dinner, b. and b.

Little church en route

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