Friday, May 15, 2015

Lugar do Corgo to Ponte de Lima

We have had two beautiful sunny days for walking what is said to be the most scenic stage of the Camino Portuguese. The path goes through two valleys with small vine and veggie growing areas. I kept meeting peregrinos from Casa Fernanda, including Richard Branson lookalike.

We had a great meal last night with Fernanda and her husband giving us a singsong of Portuguese music, as everyone enjoyed the vinho verde and port afterwards.

I arrived in Ponte de Lima at 1.00 pm and was looking around for my hotel, Casa do Pinheiro when a Portuguese couple came to my assistance. The hotel turned out to be in a quiet street and completely lacking in signage, very olde worldwide inside and out. 

Fernanda waving goodbye this morning.

Ancient bridge near Ponte de Lima.

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