Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Vila do Conde to Barcelos

Overnight it has turned very hot! I need some summer clothes! At lunchtime today it was 30 degrees in Barcelos. Still feeling tired after my marathon day sightseeing in Porto, I came to Barcelos by bus from Povoa Varzim, since this would have been a 27 km stage to walk. I have now checked into Hotel Bagoeira for 2 nights, so that I can take a day trip to the historic town of Braga tomorrow.

Barcelos is a really nice town, with a huge central square and some wide pedestrian streets full of tempting shops, eg Zara kids.

But I daren't  buy anything yet as I will only have to carry it! I was tempted by shops selling traditional Portuguese textiles.

All round the town are giant wooden statues of cockerels which has become the tourist emblem both of the town and of Portugal itself:

I spent the day exploring the town, firstly from a vantage point of the castle, which overlooks the river and the bridge into the town from the south:

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