Tuesday, October 17, 2017


There was an interesting group for dinner at Albergue Meeting Point. I sat next to a Recruitment Expert for the automotive industry in Germany and a cabin crew member from Canada Airlines. There was also a ten year old Spanish girl walking with her father; they had walked 20 kms from Burgos on the first day of their Camino. She was still full of beans ! We had a nice dinner of salad, paella and yoghourt.

Everyone was up early and in search of breakfast (not served in the Albergue ).  We had it on good authority that a restaurant at the end of the village would serve breakfast from 6.30 am, but it was all locked up at 8.00 so I had to go back to the little shop and buy some chocolate and bananas to keep me going.

The Meseta was at its best, bare wheat fields, sun and sky, birds singing and swooping about: nothing else! An American passed me and I said it's a beautiful day. He replied everyday is beautiful on the Camino!

I arrived in Hontanas at about 12.15 pm and checked into Hostal Fuentestrella. The Roumanian  SeƱora said I was the last guest of the season; they were about to close and go back home for the winter. There are still plenty of pilgrims en route, though, and the Albergue El Puntido, across the street is doing good trade. I stayed here last time when I'd had to settle for a 7-bed dorm.

In both places the wi-fi connection is pretty weak, so I'll have to post photos on my blog tomorrow.

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