Friday, October 20, 2017


I woke up this morning to find the heating was on in my room, so I knew it was going to be cold out! It was my official rest day after the Camino and I set off to wander the streets of Burgos with no fixed plan other than to buy some really good handcream!

Outside the Palacio de Capitania there was a gathering of military top brass, so I popped into the Tourist Information to ask what was going on. It's The Changing of the Guard, they said. Nobody does a parade like the Spanish, so I stayed to watch in spite of the cold. The brass band of about 30 was particularly good; PK would have enjoyed it, and so did the crowd, giving them a big clap as they marched off.

Military Police whose job it was to watch the crowd for troublemakers 

Engineers? with ceremonial picks and shovels

Raising the Spanish flag

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