Monday, April 2, 2018

Riolobos to Galisteo 

Riolobos to Galisteo 10 or 11 kms on winding country lanes, up and down all the way.

Dep R 8.35 am Arr G 12.00 pm.

First I had to walk about 2 kms from the Camping Site along the road to get back on the Via de la Plata. It was a nice morning again for walking, mild and sunny with a few clouds about; the usual farms with cows or sheep. The walled town of Galisteo, which dates back to the Moslem occupation, could be seen a long way up ahead, but kept disappearing behind a hill and never seemed to get any closer.

I finally arrived, drank a beer at the first bar I came to, then had to walk a further kilometre out of town to locate my hotel, the Medina Ghaliayah. After a lovely soak in a hot bath, it was time for lunch and a siesta.

At about 5.30 pm I set off to explore, but there wasn't a lot to see apart from the defensive walls which were quite high and spectacular with 360 degree views over the surrounding countryside. There were steps to go up, but they were steep and crumbling and I am not a risk taker!

Galisteo in the distance

This calf was licking its mother's neck

Getting closer!

Pretty impressive walls!

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