Wednesday, April 11, 2018


I left Zamora on a bright sunny morning just above freezing. I knew from my Weather App that it had been snowing all night in Segovia so I had no idea what to expect. The train left at 11.30 and arrived an hour later. It was a main line train from Corunna and Santiago to Madrid and reached 249 kms per hour in places. I was on the look out for the first signs of snow. The countryside was flat, but there was a snow covered mountain range which came into view as we approached Segovia. The train station appeared to be in the middle of nowhere, with snow covered moorland all around, but a taxi soon transported me to civilisation and to my hotel in the old town, the Convento Capuchinos.

Shots from the train

View from a little garden outside my hotel room

Looking across the Plaza Mayor to the Cathedral

Huge and Gothic!

Information board about the towers of the Cathedral 

And now, the famous aqueduct:

Segovia was a Roman military base. Trajan's engineers built a 9-mile aqueduct to channel water from the Rio Frio to the city. The famous and exposed section is 2500 ft long and 100ft high, has 118 arches and was made from 20,000 granite blocks without any mortar.

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