Tuesday, May 26, 2020


When you are pain you need to see a dentist asap! Over the weekend I was suffering from a fragile tooth that had been extensively filled last August. I worried that it might be hard to get an appointment. I suddenly had a brainwave to look for an online booking and discovered one vacancy at 9.00 am on Monday morning. At the surgery I found out they had been virtually closed for 3 weeks when they were under government orders to treat only specific emergencies. My dentist, Helen, had taken the opportunity to repaint the walls. Well, my problem proved to be an infection in and around the tooth, which was cleared up miraculously within 24 hours with antibiotics. I was lucky it could be dealt with so quickly, but I imagine that tooth will have to go sooner or later and the next step will be an implant. If this had happened a few weeks ago, I would have been desperate!

Another problem ship has docked in Fremantle. This time it's a vessel from Kuwait, part of the live sheep trade for the Middle East. Six crew have tested positive for the virus and have been put into hotel quarantine at the Novotel in Perth, while the other 42 crew remain aboard the ship. The fate of almost 60,000 sheep being held in a Baldivis feedlot is now in limbo. This situation might make people consider whether its time to ban this live sheep trade altogether.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I can only comment on your tooth. Sounds like you're just a year or two behind my implant. Good things, those.
