Sunday, May 10, 2020

John Forrest N P

We had another lovely day out yesterday with a picnic in the National Park. This was always a favourite destination for our bushwalking group and I’ve been there many times. I’ve never seen it so crowded, though: the good weather and Mothers Day attracted huge numbers.

When we arrived at the entrance gate, we found ourselves in a queue of about 10 cars which had come to a full stop. The ranger was going from car to car, explaining that the park had reached capacity and we would have to wait, but he couldn’t say how long. Most people drove off, but JL showed his disabled sticker and we were allowed in. There were indeed a couple of disabled parking bays so we were in luck:

We walked down to the stream, where lots of new signage had appeared:

In the early days, the train line brought crowds from Perth for a cheap day out. Now the line has been torn up and it became a really popular “rails-to-trails”.  It was one of the first bush walks I discovered when I moved to Perth. The trail is on quite a high embankment at this point:

This old railway bridge was declared unsafe, so a new pedestrian bridge was constructed alongside it:

JL managed a short walk near the water, where he remembered that a damn had been built in the old days to form a swimming pool:

A day out in the sunshine did us good. Watching all the other picnickers and hikers enjoying themselves, it was easy to forget about the virus for a while. As we drove away at about 3.00 pm, we noticed a mob of kangaroos. They had gathered for what must be a regular feed outside the ranger’s office:

Many were either very well fed or had a joey in their pouch, but I couldn’t see one peeping out.


  1. Did you all go skinny dipping in the old swimming pool? That would have been fun. Are you referring to the real city of Perth in Perthshire, Scotland or the pretend one in Western Australia?

  2. I've never seen anybody using the pool nowadays! Are there any kangaroos in Scotland?
