Monday, September 12, 2022

Kings Park bushwalk

September is THE time to visit Kings Park when the wildflower festival takes place. On Sunday our bushwalking group went on a circular walk and tried to get off the beaten track. Every man and his dog was there!

This is a favourite view over the Swan River towards South Perth. In the foreground is the Old Swan Brewery where JL had his office when he worked for Multiplex. On nice days we had a picnic lunch when he walked up the steps into the park.

These freesias are everywhere: they are technically weeds but continue to colonise large areas of the park:


We stopped for coffee at the Zamia Cafe. (Some of us had brought our own, knowing there would be a massive queue).

Lots of Everlastings.

We had lunch near this sign advertising the photography competition. From a distance it looked like a donkey orchid printed upside down:

It turned out to be a rare dancing orchid.

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