Monday, September 5, 2022

Wongan Weekend continued

Saturday night was a communal dinner for all participants. It was held in the local hotel, where a few people had motel rooms as they booked too late to get into the caravan park. We had been asked to select our menu in advance to aid the kitchen in serving so many people at once:

I chose deep fried barramundi: beautifully cooked with chips and salad:

On Sunday morning we were up and about early and drove to Gathercole Nature Reserve. Amazingly, the weather was fine with no wind: the forecast had been entirely wrong!

The walk was not too strenuous today, as it was mostly flat. One of the most interesting plants I saw was called Resurrection. In summer it dies right down and turns an orange colour when the surface of the bare rocks gets up to 50 degrees in the hot sun. At the first drop of rain, it can resurrect itself and quickly spring into life with tiny white flowers:

More about this plant

We came across a strange rock formation, split down the middle:

Orchids were everywhere:

… and lots of other flowers that we spent the evening identifying since our TV wasn’t working:

Back to our cabin for lunch before setting out again in the afternoon for another expedition.

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