Monday, May 18, 2015

Pacos to Valenca

The Quinta Estrada Romana is owned by a Canadian couple, Geoff and Lesley. It means " farm on the Roman road ". Geoff was on his own for a month and very busy. Last night there were 5 Dutch peregrinos and me, so the Dutch ladies cooked and I washed up!

I knew that an old friend of mine from Singapore had owned a property nearby at Insua, known as Yavanna, where she had run pottery holidays. It seems a German couple had made her an offer she couldn't refuse, so she sold up and moved to Belize. Then (as I discovered from the Internet) she died of a heart attack in Guetemala. Her name was Sue Falkingham. I  sorry I didn't pass this way before, but I really wanted to see her place.

This morning Geoff kindly offered to drive me there in his ancient Renault 4. Well, it turned out to be a magnificent place and the new German owners had done wonders - more than Sue could have managed on her own, I suspect!

This plaque would have been Sue's work.

I left The Quinta Romana Estrada and took a few final photos:
This was dinner last night. The Dutch contingent grilled me about Tony Abbot's stop the boats policy.

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