Saturday, May 9, 2015

Santiago to Porto

ALSA bus departed Santiago at 12.00 noon and made the following stops:
12.45.  Pontevedra
13.30.  Vigo
14.10.  Tui
One hour time change entering Portugal
13.15.  Valenca
14.15.  Braga
15.00.  Porto Airport
15.15.  Porto Centre

No wi fi on the bus.  Sad face!  The bus was huge and every seat taken. In Santiago bus station I took a photo of a similar bus loading up , destination Paris.

The driver drove cautiously as there were many viaducts and bends on the freeway. He made one 5 minute toilet stop with dire warnings not to be late!

It was exciting for me to arrive in new territory when we pulled into Porto bus station. I had no idea where I was since it wasn't marked on my map, so rather than mess around I jumped into a taxi and showed him the booking slip for the Porto Lounge Hotel. It proved to be fairly close - a €7 ride.

I was keen to get out and explore as the weather was sunny and warm.  The streets are narrow and busy, a nightmare for car owners. They are also either steeply up or steeply down.  To get to the waterfront I must have walked down 100 steps. On the way I stopped at the Cathedral to buy a Credential for the Portuguese Camino.

Then I had to find something to eat as I'd only had a banana and an orange on the bus for lunch. The waterfront was busy on a Saturday afternoon with people wandering about looking at market stalls or watching the riverboats go by. On the opposite bank all the famous port wine lodges like Sandemans could be seen.

I enjoyed a meal of 4 big grilled sardines with potatoes and a half bottle of Albariño. I was thinking I don't want to walk back up all those steps, when I came upon a funicular going up the cliff. As it set off I photographed the famous bridge across the river: JL will know about it I'm sure!

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