Sunday, May 24, 2015


Last day of my holiday!  What to do when all the shops are shut?  (Why didn't I think about this and go to the islands today instead of yesterday?)

There is a famous modern art museum in Vigo, so I made my way there. I was told, though, that all museums in Vigo would be closed for Election Day!! Very sad face! However, this particular one was in fact open, so I had a quick look round. I'd been hoping for a photography exhibition, but today it was the work of a local artist, Francisco Mantecón:

The thing of most interest was the design of the building, where all the galleries were arranged in segments round a central circle. Apparently it had once been a prison (like the Round House but on a bigger scale).

Then it was time for a coffee where all the locals were having theirs:

For lunch I went to the street known as Pescederia where they shuck oysters and serve them up in small restaurants. I opted for two cooked seafood tapas: razor clams and scallops, served with a delicious buttery garlic sauce. Stephen Hawking ate here in November! 

These are the razor clams.

Jules Verne was also a visitor to Vigo. Here he is sitting on an octopus:

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