Thursday, May 7, 2015

Vilamaior to Santiago

I arrived at Casa de Amancio yesterday at 5.00 pm, which was quite late for me. There were many uphill bits that slowed me right down at the end of the day. It was a lovely sunny evening and everyone was sitting in the sheltered garden when I arrived.

This morning promised to be even better weather wise: a perfect day to arrive in Santiago! I set off walking in bright sunshine and arrived in the outskirts at about 11.00 am. As I was passing near the bus station, I went there first to buy my ticket to Porto on Saturday (€30). 

Then I decided to find my hotel (Virxe da Cerca) in order to drop off my backpack. After that the order of the day was to claim my Compostela from the Pilgrims Office. As most people would have gone to the Pilgrims Mass in the Cathedral, there was hardly any queue. There was a big assembly of military in the Cathedral Square. This was the culmination of some exercises, as far as I could understand. The explanation from a friendly soldier was drowned out by some protestors banging a tin drum (aka a big cooking pot!). 

I decided to celebrate my arrival by having lunch at the Parador. Full details to follow, but here is a photo of the dining room:

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