Saturday, May 2, 2015

Portomarin to Lestedo

Another day of poor weather, fresh winds from the southwest and ominous black clouds, but thankfully not a drop of rain fell!  I left Portomarin at 8.00 am and reached my destination of Lestedo at 3.30 pm.

En route I met Leonie (the Gallipoli lady). Her thigh muscles were giving out, she said, and the next news was that she had hitched a lift into Palas de Rei in a cyclists' support vehicle!  There are about a dozen cyclists in a convoy, going past the walkers at speed and they are covered in mud. I wouldn't want to be spending the night at the same albergue as them! 

I have photographed some baby animals for Ellie today: twin calves eating from a bucket and twin lambs in a field.

I was pleased to arrive at the Rectoral de Lestedo at 3.30 pm. I stayed here before with Fresca Tours.  It is a little bit of luxury  on the Camino, a converted rectory done up very stylishly.  Last time we sat outside or lounged in a hammock. Today our host has just lit a log fire for me.

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