Thursday, May 7, 2015


My celebratory lunch at the Parador yesterday:
Octopus pate with caviar
Roasted baby lamb shoulder with potatoes and pimientos Padron
2 glasses of Muriel Crianza
Aqua con gaz
Total: €53.80
(This was a nice change from the Pilgrim Menu for €10 which I'd been having nearly every day on the Camino and which had become very predictable and boring!)


Menu at Casa Marcelo with Fresca Tours  in 2011  -  €45

Vino Mein Ribiero 2010 (wine list was on an iPad!)
Olive oil from nr Barcelona
Pumpkin soup w orange foam (from a spray)
Ravioli w boletus stuffing and topped w mushroom dust
Hake w green pepper "calapena", served skin up. (This dish is in the Spanish top ten list).
Pork w waxy potatoes and peppercorn sauce
Santiago tart w a soft almond centre - just perfect!

(I discovered these notes made in 2011 on my previous visit to Santiago, on the back of a map of the city I'd brought with me).

When I went back to Casa Marcelo yesterday, it was still a small gourmet restaurant near the cathedral, but changed into a "fusion" semi Japanese style restaurant, with uncomfortable-looking high stools. I cannot sit on a high stool when I've just walked the Camino!

Today my plan was to visit the Pilgrimage Museum, but of course it was closed for renovations. It was said to have models of the different stages of construction of the Cathedral. So I had to proceed to the Cathedral uninformed and sit for an hour waiting for the Pilgrim mass to begin at midday. I got a bit cold and stiff waiting, but it was raining outside, as usual!

There was a big military presence in the Cathedral, with soldiers taking up the entire seating in the south transept.  Afterwards, I saw 3 US personnel, so I interrogated them. There had been a competition between various Spanish companies and themselves, to walk on the Camino Portuguese from Tui to Santiago (about 100kms), which they had completed in 27 hours non stop! Not bad! Here is a photo of th plus some of the botofumeiro swinging after the mass:

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say a huge "Thank-You" for the lovely informative posts you have done on your Caminos. My husband and I are planning to walk a short (week-long) stretch of the Camino Frances in June, to see how my arthritic foot holds up, and all being well we will then attempt a 300km stretch the following year. Your blog has been invaluable in helping me to plan our days. I have so enjoyed reading about all your walks and appreciate all the details you have included.
