Monday, May 11, 2015

Porto to Vila do Conde

I took the Metro northwards from the nearby Trindade Station. The journey took about 45 minutes and cost €3.30. (There was no point in a boring walk through the suburbs of Porto).

Vila da Conde is a seafaring port and holiday resort on the coast about 30 kms from Porto. The first thing I saw when I arrived was a long and well preserved Roman aqueduct which had brought water to the town. After checking into Hotel Brasau and dumping my backpack, I went across to the Post Office to post my Spanish Camino Guide back to Australia, saving myself 600 gms to carry!

I then set off for a 15 min walk to see the Atlantic Ocean.  There was a very fresh breeze and big surf waves when I got there.  A few brave souls were stripped off and sunbathing on the beach, with windbreaks protecting themselves from a northerly wind.

On the way back I chanced upon a seafood restaurant, where all manner of fish was being grilled over charcoal. This was possibly the best spot to have lunch on a sunny day. I chose JL's favourite: salmon plus half a bottle of Mateus Rose. Perfect!

Opposite the restaurant was a reconstruction of a Portuguese sailing vessel from the C16th.  Being Monday, the actual Museum of Shipbuilding was closed (another sad face!).

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