Friday, May 22, 2015

Pontevedra to Vigo

Yesterday evening I took a stroll by the river, 3 bridge walk, and took a photo of this unusual suspension bridge for JL. The structure resembles a musical instrument and is all in the middle of a dual carriageway:

My hotel at Pontevedra was fully booked last night, and at breakfast I met Ulrika from Vienna whom I'd seen walking on the Caminho a few days ago. She was amazed that I'd caught up with her, but I had to confess I'd taken a bus.

My train to Vigo left at 10.06 am and I was at the station an hour early! I had hoped to enjoy a scenic route but the train was in and out of tunnels all the time, with only brief glimpses of the 

Arriving on Vigo after 20 minutes, I took a short taxi ride to my hotel, the Silken America. I have stayed twice before at the Silken chain, but this one proved to be not quite up to the standard of the others. My room is a bit small, with no view, but the price is €60 which isn't bad for Vigo. There is a splendid view from the rooftop terrace though:

At 7.00pm I took a stroll round the port and the old town and came across this square where all the locals are out enjoying their Friday evening. I ordered a glass of AlbariƱo and the waiter brought me a dish of olives and 3 mussels. That's tapas!

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