Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Akerreta to Pamplona

I didn't take many photos today, as my phone is just about full up, and I was eager to reach Pamplona in any case. It was 30 degrees when I arrived at lunchtime, pretty tired as I'm carrying all my warm clothes in my backpack instead of wearing them.

My hotel, the Europa, is just off the main square, the Plaza del Castillo, which houses La Perla Hotel, where Hemingway stayed and the Bar Iruna where Hemingway drank. Next door is the Gaucho Bar which has won awards for its pinchos (tapas) and I've just tried a couple with 2 glasses of vino blanco. It is still alive with people at 10.00 p.m. so it's earplugs for me tonight!

The Way

Breakfast stop for early pilgrims

Beautiful honeysuckle

Pinchos at Gaucho Bar

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