Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Pamplona to Jaca

First, some recent expenses:
Half board at Hotel Akerreta 105€
G and T. 6€

B and B at Hotel Europa 75€
3 pinchos at Goucho Bar 9€
Drinks 6€
Bus tkt to Jaca 7.80€


Being a tourist in Pamplona is as good as it gets!  No more walking: just a taxi to the bus station this afternoon. I'm sitting on an outside table in a shady spot in the corner of the Plaza with a cold glass of vino blanco in front of me, watching the world go by. I've seen the sights of Pamplona before and it's getting too hot to go and see them again.

I've bought myself some gold earrings with the Basque emblem on them, to go with my shell earrings from Santiago: my reward for completing this year's Camino. I've also been into the Hotel La Perla, where the lovely receptionist, Maria, showed me the Hemingway Room, now renovated into a suite with modern plumbing: too perfect to be true, somehow.

The ladies are very elegant here, with their hair done beautifully. I wish I looked like them; but then they haven't just crossed the Pyrenees!

Running of the Bulls monument

Hotel la Perla

Hemingway Room with Maria

Maria with her cousin, a policeman

Cafe Iruna

Art Nouveau door of Cafe Iruna

Pamplona street scenes

Calamari for lunch

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