Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Santa Cruz de las Seros

The bus dropped me off on the highway at a run down and closed hotel, and not in the village of Santa Cruz. This is 15 kms short of Jaca, but a place full of historic associations. It is on another Camino route into Pamplona. It was a hot afternoon, and two Spanish pilgrims were having a siesta on the grass. They came to my aid and called a taxi, because I didn't feel like putting on my boots and walking the 4 kms into Santa Cruz. This was 7€ well spent!

I had reserved a room at the Hospederia Santa Cruz, which is right opposite the Romanesque Church in an incredibly picturesque village, with snow covered mountains high in the distance of the Pyrenees on one side and the towering cliffs of the hidden monastery of San Juan de la Pena on the other.

Santa Cruz de la Seros (info obtained from Church)

Convent was oldest in Aragon, 992. A Benedictine community affiliated to the Monastery of St Juan de la Pena. The nuns were known as Sisters of the Holy Cross. Las Sorores became abridged to La Seros.

It gained in importance when three of the daughters of King Ramiro I joined the community between 1061 and 1070.

Secret chamber
An opening high up in the wall on the north side of the nave leads to The Chamber, which could act as a place of sanctuary in troubled times. This is no longer open to the public after a boy fell and was injured. Pest!!!

Shots from the bus window

Hospederia Santa Cruz

Looking down the nave: the stairs (new) leading to the secret chamber, high on the left of the picture.

Tympanum above west door

Fortified tower with the secret chamber inside

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