Sunday, June 18, 2023

Carnarvon to Exmouth

At Minilya Roadhouse this morning, I paid $6 for a Flat White. That’s the limit: I’ll be making my own coffee from now on! Things do get expensive in the outback, but enough’s enough.

Today has been grey and wet: totally unexpected for this part of Australia. We come up here for sunshine! The long straight road is boring, and Sunday’s radio consists of sport.

I pulled off the road in a downpour and just went to sleep for half an hour. Now I’m installed at Ningaloo Lodge in Exmouth, a superior Backpacker’s with private rooms and an extremely well-appointed kitchen. So I’m going to concoct myself a dinner of fried rice so that I don’t have to go out in the rain.

In the kitchen/dining room, I had an interesting conversation with a couple who have just finished a week’s volunteering on a boat, taking visitors out to swim with the whale sharks. The woman prepared lunches and the man was in the water helping the customers to follow the sharks. He described how he towed two kids on tyres and a shark swam right past them.

It has rained and rained since I got to Exmouth. I haven’t been out as I have no wet weather gear with me. That was for the Camino, and it’s supposed to be the dry season up here!

1 comment:

  1. What unsettling, weather. A complete spoiler to your day and your trip.
