Sunday, June 4, 2023

Mallorca part 4

Today, Sunday, I thought I’d go into town to visit the Cathedral and maybe watch a Mass. This didn’t work out, as there were no tourist visits, only genuine religious participants (which I am not). However, the trip was not wasted as there was a literary festival going on:

The whole central street down towards the Cathedral was filled with book stalls and the most amazing thing was a really long queue for a book signing. This is the book:

… and this is the queue, stretching right up the street as far as the eye can see:

99% are teenage girls! They were all waiting patiently for a very long time in order to get their book signed. Just about every teenage girl in Mallorca must have been here.

I walked all round the outside of the Cathedral and took in this view across the bay:

P.S. From a book review:

One of my favorites from Alice Kellen and from life. I recommend it 100%. It made me cry for practically the entire book, living the characters, their stories, their emotions and experiences... there are no words to define what makes you feel and how beautiful it is. 

1 comment:

  1. This author writes young adult romance novels. It was good to see her popularity. I thought the young frocks were lovely, standing in line.
