Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Broome to Cape Leveque

I was quite sad to leave Bali Hai, as we’ve had many happy holidays there, but the wagon trail moves on. I’m travelling by Bilingurr Transit bus up to Cape Leveque ($140 return). This is a relatively new service which replaces the old Post Bus, on which the public could pay for a ride. The road north was finally covered with bitumen all the way last November. However, they are currently re-doing the first 18 kms as it got broken up during the wet season, so it’s back to gravel at the start. Lucky I didn’t attempt to drive to Cape Leveque in the Prius. The final track into Kooljaman is particularly hazardous:

Kooljaman is a pretty remote spot! I have a log cabin near the eastern beach. Very quiet, lovely views, but milesfrom the reception area and restaurant. I wish I’d brought more food with me! The peace and tranquillity of this place is spoiled by one thing: mozzies! There are two log cabins and we both share the toilet/shower facility, just up the hill. It’s a gathering place for vast numbers of mosquitoes 🦟 which congregate there, waiting for their next victim. On a previous camping trip with the Nats, someone christened such a place “the little house of horrors”!

After I’d settled in, I trudged back up the hill to check out the facilities and had an iced coffee. The bad news is that the restaurant is closed tonight and tomorrow night. For tonight, I can collect some barramundi and cook it myself on the BBQ. Tomorrow a better plan might be to eat lunch in the restaurant and save something for dinner. Like everywhere else, it’s a staffing issue and they are waiting for another chef to arrive.

Early morning (6.00 am) is prime time for watching the sun rise over the water. This is the location for fashion photography as the sun lights up the red rocks. I didn’t have my flowing white dress and pearls with me!

1 comment:

  1. Those rock cliffs are fantastical! Some of the piles of seaweed(?) look like Hersheys chocolate drops.
