Thursday, May 27, 2021

Glass bottom boat

On an aeroplane you dread sitting next to little kids. Let me tell you, it’s ten times worse on a small boat! I was looking forward to my glass bottom boat trip, since the wind from the north had foiled by snorkel attempts from the shore. On the boat, we had an experienced guide who had lots to tell us: but the 3-year old liked to scream and shout and interrupt, whilst the 18-month twins just liked to scream. I could have thrown the lot of them into the sea!

Here is what I saw anyway:

I was just having an outdoor shower to wash off the sand, when I heard someone calling my name. It was the receptionist from my hairdresser in Perth: small world!

PS. Later, I watched the guys from a fishing charter dealing with their catch: Red Emperor, Trevally, Tomato Cod:

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