Monday, May 10, 2021

El Questro out and about

Pigeon Lookout

We drove up in first gear to view the sunset over the river, which wound in a big curve way below us. Gools had provided some cheese and nibbles, so I cracked open my one bottle of Babich as we enjoyed everything in front of us in the changing light. Because it’s early in the season the lookout wasn’t too crowded, but apparently it gets packed in the next few months.

There was a pink Turkey Bush in flower:

We are camped on the banks of the Pentecost River. The water is flowing very fast so we go to sleep listening to soothing, burbling sounds. The rich and famous come to El Questro and pay $3000 to stay in seclusion at the homestead, hidden away from the paparazzi. We have not set eyes on this! After a Pasta Carbonara for dinner, we sat around the fire for a while: the first one we’ve had this holiday. Late to bed at 9.00 pm! (5.00 am wake up next morning!)

Day trip to Wyndham


Most people were going on a trip to Mitchell Falls by a small plane and a helicopter, hence the early departure. The five left behind went off on an unscheduled excursion to Wyndham, stopping first at Parry’s Lagoon Nature Reserve. There are so many species of waterbirds here, it’s impossible to take them all in:

There is a saltwater croc hiding behind the tree on the opposite bank. You can just make out the scales on his back. A bird is very close, but he has obviously eaten his fill already.

Next stop Wyndham, where a bake house attracts customers from far and wide: Linda and Sean pose outside.

This is the view from the Five Rivers Lookout over Cambridge Gulf. Some other information boards about Wyndham follow:

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