Friday, May 7, 2021

Exploring the Bungles

Breakfast at 5.00 am for a 5.30 departure!  Our camp for last night and tonight is a large caravan park on Mabel Downs, near to the main entrance to the Bungles National Park. There is even a bar area here with tables and chairs and fairy lights. Our tents were waiting for us and dinner was prepared as we all went for a shower. Tonight was Mexican : Chilli con Carne followed by trifle.

The long drive into the National Park took over 2 hours: a sandy track with lots of bends and water crossings. Finally we reached a car park (with toilets!) and set off to walk to the Piccaninny Lookout and the Cathedral Gorge. I didn’t go the whole way as it was really hot, but I found some shady spots to rest whilst the more energetic people rushed ahead.

Tommo, our guide, waits for us at a signpost.

Some people went for a helicopter ride, but I decided $1000 plus was too much for a short flight! The day was busy enough as it was.

Cathedral Gorge was spectacular:

This pic shows the built up of conglomerates:

In the afternoon we drove to the north end of the park and walked up to Echidna Gorge:

These rocks were treacherous to walk on. Luckily I had brought my stick!

Gools and Tommo laid out on the rocks. We have been working them too hard!

Morning preparations for departure at 7.15 am. Swags are going on top. They are a devil to roll up!

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