Sunday, May 23, 2021

Last Tango in Broome

For the first time on this trip, I’ve been in Broome at the weekend. Time to visit the Courthouse Markets! They seem to get better and bigger every year. Parking is just about impossible, but fortunately I had my secret weapon: JL’s disability sticker.

I always look for Hidden Valley soap, see above. It scents my wardrobe for a year before I put it in the shower.

Then I discovered a clothing stall, selling designs just made for the Broome climate:

A little treat for myself was in order. The clothes are made in Indonesia, so I was forced to buy Extra Large:

I had one last thing to do before leaving Broome. The artist who began her career in Mandurah now has a shop up here, near to Matso’s brewery. Her name is Emma Blythe and her shop is Black Stump Gallery. She was there with her husband. Most of the customers seemed to be locals popping in to say hello. She has curated interesting work and artifacts by other artists. I liked these examples of weaving from Arnhem Land:

1 comment:

  1. The weaving samples you show are lovey!
    The towels and I are going to a market in two weeks!
