Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Point Samson, Onslow, Coral Bay

Before leaving Point Samson, I had a walk around looking for alternative places to stay (for next time!) since the wi-fi in The Cove was useless and the Telstra signal was also pretty weak. In the past, we stayed here:

and here:

Point Samson also has a few too many sandflies (and Onslow is even worse in this regard), so it’s best not to linger too long in any one place!

Nevertheless, I find the landforms of Samson fascinating:

The pics above were taken just outside the town.

One of my missions in Onslow was to see this Shell collection. It has been in the news lately, because the Shire of Ashburton has just bought it for $200,000 from the lifetime collector and put it on display in the town. Sod’s Law and I was in Onslow on a Tuesday!

An evening walk at sunset: a few more sandflies got me!

On to Coral Bay, a favourite spot of mine, and I was pleased to secure a last minute booking for 2 nights at the RAC Ningaloo Reef Resort. I was pretty tired after the drive, especially as there were roadworks all along the road south from Exmouth with a 60 kph speed limit. I had a beer at sunset outside my unit and felt recovered:

At 7.10 pm I managed to catch the red moon:

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