Sunday, May 9, 2021

Kununurra to El Questro

Our first stop was the auto-electric shop in Kununurra. The inverter in the bus hasn’t been working since Day One, so we couldn’t charge up our phones en route. This meant that my blogging had to be done in a rush in the evenings, plus it had to be fitted into finding a wi-fi or a Telstra signal. All part of the adventure!

Then it was time to hit the famous Gibb River Road. This is 641 kms long, and only parts of it are bitumen. From the bus, I had lovely views of the Coburn Ranges. Today it was my turn for the prime front seat, up in the cab between Tommo and Gools.

Boab with no leaves but lots of nuts.

This is the turn-off for El Questro, our home for 3 nights:

El Questro now owned by G’Day Parks. (They have recently acquired Cooke Point at Port Hedland). Who is behind all this huge investment??

They do not have any public wi-fi at EQ, which is a bit mean.

On the way into EQ we stopped at Zebedee Springs, where we could immerse ourselves in the naturally warm water and laze about under the palm trees. There was a lot of competition for a comfy spot amongst the rocks:

Crossing the Pentecost River: with a little bit of product placement. We all received a complimentary water bottle from Adventure Wild. I don’t think I qualify as an influencer with only 9 followers!

Lunch on arrival at EQ:

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