Sunday, July 17, 2022

Broome to Derby

I dropped Val off at the airport at 9.30 am, hoping that her flight would actually take off on time to Perth. We had heard so many stories of cancellations and delays and scenes of airport chaos on the TV news. (I got a text from her later, to say that all was well).

Before we checked out of the Kimberley Sands, Val compiled a list of six or seven maintenance issues that needed attention, including a broken standard lamp and a missing door on the icebox in the fridge (so no ice cubes for our G and T). The wood on our patio gate was also rotted away and the swimming pool was full of leaves! One of Val’s caravanning friends told us that the hotel had been in receivership and the new owners seemed to be struggling. My own particular complaint was that the wi-fi constantly dropped out, so it made blogging very difficult. I have stayed at this hotel before and it has definitely gone downhill.

KS logo.

After a quick visit to Woolworths to stock up with supplies, I was soon on the road to Derby. I was slowed down by road works, and after that by having to follow behind two oversized wide loads (huge bucket-like things: some kind of mining equipment). I had to pass them 3 times, because every time I stopped for a break they kept going and got in front of me again. Their support vehicles were very good, though, as they signalled to me when it was safe to overtake. Later in the day I saw them again at the Derby Wharf:

They are the yellow monsters.

I checked in at the Derby Lodge Apartments and saw 3 police cars parked there, so I felt pretty safe. The whole area is fenced and gated, which tells you something!

View from my balcony at sunset.

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