Friday, July 29, 2022

EMB to Port Hedland

The early mornings are freezing in these parts. The only thing to do is to get up and go. If you didn’t have a shower last night, forget it! The 10 kms gravel road was successfully negotiated and I was soon on the bitumen and speeding along. I made a stop at De Grey River Rest Area; this plant was everywhere:

Then I stopped on the roadside to take this shot which is used on some of the Pilbara tourism posters:

Arriving at Port Hedland, I drove straight to the harbour to look at the huge cargo ships coming and going:

There are harbour tours (and we did one years ago) but nowadays they are booked up days in advance, just like the lovely massages at the Bali Hai Spa in Broome.

In the Visitors Centre, I was interested to see a big block of lithium, which has been in the news a lot:

I checked in at Cooke Point Caravan Park, now owned by Discovery Parks. At sunset I walked down to the water where I remembered these plants were prolific:

Bird Flowers

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