Thursday, July 14, 2022

Staircase to the Moon

I’ve been to Broome several times, but this is the first time my visit has coincided with Staircase to the Moon. We were advised to go to Town Beach to see it just after 6.00 pm. The place was absolutely packed with people sitting on the grass looking out to see with anticipation. A big orange moon rose slowly over the horizon and then produced the staircase effect over the wet sand flats:

This was the scene when we first arrived:

Val had checked out the area in the morning and discovered there were six public BBQs. So we went to buy some lamb cutlets, a prepared salad and a bottle of red. Together with our picnic chairs, we were well organised for the event. Most people in the crowd had to queue up for food at the night market and were disgruntled about the long wait. I just set about cooking our BBQ and everyone observed my efforts and enjoyed the aromas! Val met some friends from Perth who were on a caravanning trip.

Very tasty and a change from all the seafood we’ve been having!

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