Thursday, July 7, 2022

Geraldton to Carnarvon

As I drive north, the temperatures gradually increase, as does the price of fuel. Thank goodness for my Prius, which is very economical to run. Even though it is now 16 years old, it still does 100 kms on 5.5 litres of fuel. At the peak of its performance, it did 100 on 4.5 litres.

This morning the Ocean Centre Hotel was not serving breakfast. That did me a favour, as it made me go out to The Salt Dish. This has the reputation for being the best restaurant in town, small but beautiful! Like everywhere, they need staff and are advertising for a qualified chef. They have had to cut down opening for dinner to Friday and Saturday only. I enjoyed two perfectly poached eggs on sourdough. This is definitely the place to eat in Geraldton:

When I arrived in Carnarvon, there was just time for a walk on the old tramway route to Babbage Island before the sun went down:

The route is the grey line:

The wooden track is now worse for wear. I don’t think it will last much longer.

For dinner at the Hospitalty Inn, I enjoyed the best seafood chowder I’ve ever eaten;

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