Sunday, July 24, 2022

Halls Creek to Fitzroy Crossing

Saturday night in Halls Creek and the Management were prepared for anything. Everyone entering the Sportsman’s Bar had to be breathalysed to make sure they hadn’t been drinking already! This was not a police breathalyser, but a device where you had to simply count to ten with your mouth just in front of the device. A security guard was enforcing the rule. I assume it was targeting aborigines, but nobody could say that.

The bar area, inside and out, was packed with those who had passed the test. I ordered fish of the day, chips and salad, which was surprisingly good, plus a glass of Pino Grigio. I made sure it was from a new bottle, not one that had been open for a week!

I slept really well and I was on the road by 8.30 am. Sunday morning and all the road works had packed up. I had the road to myself, once I had cleared the convoy of caravans. The Prius is good at overtaking, since it can use both engines to speed along. I pulled into a rest stop for a break. It was called Mary Pool, which seemed familiar, so I think I must have camped there in the past.

Mary Pool Rest Area

By lunchtime I was at Fitzroy River Lodge, but couldn’t check in till 2.00 pm. I made an egg sandwich and sat in their foyer for a bit to cool off. The Lodge is situated on the opposite side of the river from the Crossings Inn. It is much better equipped and has a nice swimming pool. The motel rooms are all built up on stilts, so they are safe from floods, though at present the Fitzroy is just about dried up apart from a few isolated pools.

There is quite an extensive area here for caravans, plus a number of en-suite safari tents. A bus load from Darwin has arrived to occupy these. Another bus has also arrived from who knows where to take up the motel rooms. I must get into dinner before this lot! It’s a pity that these tours have been on the road all day and arrive here at dusk, too late to enjoy the amenities and relax. They have all disappeared into their rooms to take a shower.

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