Monday, July 25, 2022

Fitzroy Crossing to Broome

On a long road trip, it helps to listen to the radio. Up in the Kimberley, the reception has been rubbish and there is only one local station being broadcast, which specialises in Indigenous News. This morning I put on the one CD I happened to have with me: Bizet’s Carmen. I listened to the Torreador Song a few times, which is quite stirring and a favourite: but you can’t listen to it forever! Imagine my delight when I passed Willare Bridge and found the perfectly clear reception of Radio National. It was Conversations with Richard Fidler and the lovely voice of Maggie Beer was coming over the airwaves.

For 2 or 3 days, I’ve had trouble trying to post my blog, especially the photos.

My accommodation at Fitzroy (top left)

Safari tents

View from my balcony early today, looking towards the Fitzroy River.

My journey into Broome was quick today. The road widening operations hadn’t cranked up again after the weekend, so there were no hold-ups. I arrived in Cable Beach at 1.00 pm and checked in to Beaches of Broome: a backpackers, since everywhere else is full. The good news is that it’s in a prime location on Sanctuary Road, just next to Cocos Beach Bungalows, a top spot, and also the Wharf Restaurant, a top eatery. The not-so-good news is that I’m in a female dormitory of 5 beds. At least I got here early and bagged the one single bed, as opposed to the bunk beds. Not a lot of space, but beggars can’t be choosers!

The best news is the swimming pool which is bigger than the one at Burswood:

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