Thursday, July 21, 2022


On the road into Kununurra there were lots of straggly bushes with brilliant bright yellow flowers. From my previous visits, I remembered they were known as Kapoks since the fluffy white material from their seed pods could be used to stuff pillows.

From Wikipedia:

I couldn’t get near enough to take my own close-up.

I quickly settled in to my luxury cabin by the lake and then drove into town to replenish my food stocks. Still no eggs to be had, but I was told a delivery from Perth was expected in the morning! Everything in the supermarket here is really expensive, especially fruit and veg. No wonder people in remote areas find it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. Locally grown papaya was the only cheap item. I also bought lamb chops to BBQ again.

This is the nightly ritual: pre-dinner drinks by the water’s edge.

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