Monday, July 18, 2022

Derby tides

Derby is famous for having the highest tides in Australia (over 11 metres). There are two high tides and two low tides each day). I found out at the Visitors Centre that the time to drive to the wharf was 11.40 am for low tide and 5.00 pm for high tide, so this is what I did. There is a long causeway out to the wharf and the setting sun is blindingly right in your eyes at 5.00 pm.

Low tide.

High tide.

It was lovely to walk out on the jetty, with a cooling breeze off the sea. This is King Sound and the tide moves really fast as it goes up and down into the Fitzroy River:

The jetty was once used for exporting wool and cattle, but now it’s only mineral sands:

This is where those yellow monsters were heading.

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